make an impact on

Ginann’s Birthday


For more than three years, I’ve volunteered with Craft + Boogie Collective to make art and craft kits for kids in foster care and students in under-resourced schools. The projects we include in each kit are meant to encourage self-expression, boost self-esteem, and help kids create memorable moments of bonding with trusted adults.

For my birthday, instead of cards or gifts, I’d love a donation so I can continue to make a difference with Craft + Boogie Collective! It costs only $5 to make a craft kit for a local child in foster, and $10 to send one to a child outside of Oregon. A handful of volunteers and I are set to make kits for 200 Oregon children in April and hundreds more in the months that follow.

100% of the money we raise will be used to make art and craft kits for children in need. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for helping me make a difference for kids and families in our community and beyond!